Eye Diseases
These are some common eye diseases and links to more information, as always if you have any questions about these or any other eye conditions, Dr. Fiegel is more than happy to answer whatever questions may arrise.
This is a condition of the eye when the normally clear lens within your eye becomes cloudy or opaque. They are most often found in persons over the age of 55, but they are also occasionally found in younger people including newborns. They can be due to advancing age, excessive ultraviolet radiation from sunlight, injury, other diseases, certain medications, or heredity. Dr. Fiegel can prescribe changes in your eyeglasses that will help you see more clearly until surgery is necessary. If your cataract develops to a point that your daily activities are affected, you will be referred to an eye surgeon who may recommend its removal by surgery. If you, or someone you know, suffers from this condition please call our office IMMEDIATELY to schedule an appointment!
Diabetes is a disease that prevents your body from making or using insulin to break down sugar in your bloodstream. It can affect most parts of your body including your eyes. Visual symptoms include fluctuation or blurring of vision, occasional double vision, and visual field loss. It can result in cataracts, glaucoma, eye muscle coordination loss, and decreased corneal sensitivity. Long-term diabetes can cause a weakening of the retinal blood vessel and result in DIABETIC RETINOPATHY. If this is left undetected, blindness can result. However, if diagnosed at an early stage, it can be treated with laser surgery. It is important to control your diabetes as much as possible to minimize your risk of developing retinopathy. If you have diabetes it is important to remember that you MUST HAVE a dilated retinal exam yearly. If it has been longer than a year since your last eye exam please call our office IMMEDIATELY to schedule an appointment!
A disease of the eye in which the fluid pressure in your eye gets too high and damages the optic nerve. The pressure that builds up is due to a problem in the flow or drainage of fluid normally produced in your eye. This damage can cause severe vision loss (usually starting in your peripheral/side vision without symptoms) and even blindness if left untreated. If diagnosed at an early stage, it can be controlled by prescription eye drops or surgery if necessary. If you, or someone you know, suffers from this condition please call our office IMMEDIATELY to schedule an appointment!
Macular Degeneration
This is a condition that usually affects people older than age 50 because the tissue in the small central part of the retina (macula) deteriorates. Sometimes abnormal blood vessels also develop which may leak and eventually cause scarring and vision loss. The vision loss is irreversible, but supplements and laser treatment may help slow vision loss. If you, or someone you know, suffers from this condition please call our office IMMEDIATELY to schedule an appointment!